Biomarkers are likely to be important in the study of Alzheimer disease
(AD) for a variety of reasons. A clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer disease
is inaccurate even among experienced investigators in about 10% to 15%
of cases, and biomarkers might improve the accuracy of diagnosis.
Importantly for the development of putative disease-modifying drugs for
Alzheimer disease, biomarkers might also serve as indirect measures of
disease severity. When used in this way, sample sizes of clinical trials
might be reduced, and a change in biomarker could be considered
supporting evidence of disease modification. This review summarizes a
meeting of the Alzheimer’s Association’s Research Roundtable, during
which existing and emerging biomarkers for AD were evaluated. Imaging
biomarkers including volumetric magnetic resonance imaging and positron
emission tomography assessing either glucose utilization or ligands
binding to amyloid plaque are discussed. Additionally, biochemical
biomarkers in blood or cerebrospinal fluid are assessed. Currently
appropriate uses of biomarkers in the study of Alzheimer disease, and
areas where additional work is needed, are discussed.
Reference: Thal LJ, Kantarci K, Reiman EM, Klunk WE, Weiner MW, Zetterberg H, Galasko D, Praticò D, Griffin S, Schenk D, Siemers E. The role of biomarkers in clinical trials for Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2006;20(1):6-15
development of new therapies for Alzheimer disease (AD) and other
neurodegenerative conditions has become of increasing societal
importance given our aging population and increasing longevity, combined
with the fact that this disease typically begins late in life. Various
can be used in a variety of ways to allow new therapies to be developed
more quickly and to increase the probability of success in the pivotal
trials ultimately needed to gain new drug approval by regulatory
agencies. On November 11–12, 2004, a meeting of the Alzheimer’s
Association Research Roundtable was held with experts on biomarkers
associated with AD. This report summarizes the information presented and
discussed at that meeting. A discussion of the use of biomarkers in the
diagnosis of pre-symptomatic AD was also held and will be reported
Biomarkers may be applied to drug development
for AD in a number of distinct ways. First, they may be applied as
additional diagnostic measures in a population clinically identified as
having AD. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value all
must be considered for such an application.
of the most important uses of biomarkers in drug development is as an
indirect measure of disease severity. A number of points should be
established for such use: the marker must have a scientific rationale
(eg, tau in cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]), the biomarker should change with
disease progression in longitudinal observational studies,3
and the marker must be measurable and reproducible. Unlike typical
diagnostic measures, when biomarkers are used for this purpose, high
specificity is not required. These biomarkers can be of both scientific
and regulatory value. Particularly in mid-phase trials, biomarkers can
be used to identify appropriate dosage, improve safety assessments,
demonstrate pharmacological activity, and identify preliminary evidence
of efficacy.
National Institute of Aging has initiated the Alzheimer’s Disease
Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), a large observational study of patients
with AD, patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and cognitively
normal volunteers to assess longitudinal changes in AD biomarkers.
Current trials of investigational treatments require large sample sizes
and long treatment durations because cognitive measures do not easily
reflect disease-modifying effects of treatment.
groups, including pharmaceutical companies, have great interest in using
imaging and other biomarkers for treatment trials; however, current
data are from many institutions using different methods and different
Outcome measures included in ADNI are based on
previous studies assessing AD biomarkers. Volumetric magnetic resonance
imaging (vMRI) will be a major focus of the study, based largely on data
from patients with AD and MCI. These data suggest that MCI is a
transitional state between normal and early diagnosable disease, and
progression from MCI to AD is reflected by changes in brain volumes.
Longitudinal studies of patients with diagnosed AD show greater rates of
change in hippocampal and temporal horn volumes than are seen with
normal aging, based on currently available data.4
[18]fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) will
also be used in ADNI. For patients with AD, decline in glucose
utilization as determined by FDG PET imaging is progressive, correlates
with dementia severity, and predicts a histopathological diagnosis of
on these and other data, ADNI was established as a longitudinal,
prospective naturalistic study of early AD, mild cognitive impairment,
and normal aging. MRI, PET, biochemical biomarkers, and clinical data
will be included in the final database, which will be placed in the
public domain. ADNI’s goals include the following: (1) identify the best
biomarkers for early diagnosis; (2) identify the best biomarkers for
following disease progression and monitoring treatment response; (3)
develop surrogate endpoints for clinical trials; and (4) establish
methods for the multisite acquisition, quality determinations, and
processing of biomarker and clinical data. About two-thirds of the
funding for the study is from the NIA, and the remaining one-third, via
the NIH Foundation, is from the pharmaceutical industry, imaging
equipment manufacturers, and nonprofit organizations. Additional
information regarding the study can be found at the ADNI web site (
key issue in the design of trials of investigational drugs for AD is
the ability to distinguish between symptomatic effects of drugs and
effects that are due to modification of the underlying disease process. A
trial design that measures delay of an end point, such as the onset of
disease, cannot distinguish between these two possibilities. Designs
that may allow conclusions regarding disease modification include those
incorporating a randomized start, randomized withdrawal, or a persistent
difference in slope. Randomized start and randomized withdrawal designs
are illustrated in Figure 1.
The underlying assumption for both of these trial designs is that the
group initially randomized to treatment has a slowing of underlying
disease progression. Thus, using the randomized withdrawal design, even
if a purely symptomatic effect of the drug were present, the treated
group would not return to the same cognitive scores as the placebo group
after drug withdrawal. Similarly, when active treatment is started in
the placebo group using the randomized start design, the cognitive
scores of the group originally assigned to placebo would not reach those
of the group originally assigned to active treatment.
natural history studies can be important in the initial analysis of
clinical or biomarker measures, they also have limitations. In these
studies, subjects generally do not meet the same inclusion and exclusion
criteria as they would in a randomized clinical trial, and thus have
greater comorbidities and may be on medications that would otherwise be
excluded. These limitations may lead to overestimates of the rate of
decline or event rate, thus leading to underpowered and failed clinical
studies. As illustrated in Table 1,
rate of change in cognitive scores can also change over time, with
placebo-treated patients showing slower rates of decline in more recent
may be used in phase 1 or 2 studies to show an effect of the
investigational drug on its target. A potential caveat with this
strategy is that some drugs require weeks to months to show such an
effect (eg, antioxidants). In later phase studies, a biomarker may be
used as a surrogate marker if the surrogate can be substituted for a
clinical end point. In phase 2 studies, effects such as a reduction in
CSF tau after 3 to 6 months or reduced isoprostanes in CSF can provide
evidence of a biologic signal and may help with dose selection for phase
3. A potential caveat with this strategy is that biomarkers may be
altered differently and may respond to treatment differently over the
course of the disease. For phase 3 trials, primary outcome variables are
likely to be clinical measures for the immediate future. Surrogate
markers can be used in phase 3 trials to develop supportive evidence for
efficacy and to support a claim of disease modification.
in MR-based regional (hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and corpus
callosum) and global (whole brain and ventricles) brain volume measures
have been demonstrated for patients with AD in a number of longitudinal
These studies consistently show loss of brain volumes in AD patients
that are at least twice the rate of loss seen in age-matched control
subjects. Longitudinal studies of vMRI in AD patients are listed in Table 2.
patients with MCI, compared with control subjects with stable cognitive
scores, have greater rates of volume loss for most brain areas
regardless of whether they converted to AD. Further, MCI patients who
did convert to AD have greater rates of change than those who are
cognitively stable.21
important consideration for imaging and other biomarker studies is
whether results obtained at a single site can be replicated when the
same measures are applied in a multiple site trial. The vMRI results
from a 52-week study of milameline using 38 sites have been reported.21
Subjects were scanned at baseline and end point, and hippocampal and
temporal horn volumes were obtained. Based on these results, sample size
calculations for an AD trial designed to detect a 50% reduction in rate
of progression would require 320 patients per arm based on change in
ADAS-cog scores, compared with 21 patients per arm based on hippocampal
volume and 54 patients per arm based on temporal horn volume. These
estimates suggest that even considering the additional variability
imposed by the use of multiple sites, vMRI can provide advantages in the
number of subjects required in a clinical trial to demonstrate a
statistically significant effect on a structural end point.
fact that biomarker changes in observational studies do not always
predict changes seen in therapeutic trials is illustrated by the
apparent decrease in brain volumes seen in subjects actively immunized with Aβ1–42 (AN1792).22
Subjects who had measurable antibody titers in this trial also had
improvements in cognitive scores using some instruments. While a number
of potential explanations have been proposed for this surprising result
(eg, loss of plaque volume or brain hydration), the dissociation between
apparent response to active vaccination and expected change in brain
volumes illustrates the need to examine biomarker changes in therapeutic
as well as observational studies. The finding also illustrates the need
for the further development and evaluation of additional promising
therapeutic surrogates and the importance of considering the choice and
number of putative surrogate end points to consider in a therapeutic
trial, and the schedule in which these end points are assessed, such
that the observed effect of a treatment on the end point(s) most likely
reflects the treatment’s effect on disease progression.
PET studies reveal characteristic and progressive reductions in
regional measurements of the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (CMRgl)
in patients with AD5,6,23 and patients with MCI.24–27
In patients with AD, CMRgl reductions in the posterior cingulate,
parietal, temporal, and prefrontal cortex are correlated with dementia
severity6 and progression.5
In a retrospective study of patients with mild to moderate dementia,
the pattern of hypometabolism was about 94% sensitive and 73% specific
in predicting subsequent clinical decline and the histopathological
diagnosis of AD.23 In patients with the diagnosis of amnestic MCI,24,25 isolated memory impairment,26 and nonamnestic MCI,27
regional CMRgl reductions helped distinguish subsequent AD converters
from nonconverters, but with some overlap between groups. In a
longitudinal study of amnestic MCI,25 the 1-year rate of CMRgl decline was greater in subsequent AD converters than in nonconverters.
on longitudinal CMRgl declines in AD patients, researchers have
estimated the statistical power of FDG PET to detect the ability of a
putative disease-modifying treatment to slow rates of regional CMRgl
decline in randomized clinical trials.5 The estimated number of AD patients per treatment arm needed to detect an effect with FDG PET (Table 3)
is roughly comparable to that needed to detect an effect with MRI and
almost one-tenth the number of patients needed using clinical end
points, suggesting the promise of these imaging techniques in
proof-of-concept trials.
More recently, PET imaging studies using radioligands that bind directly to β-amyloid plaques have been performed.28,29
One of these ligands, Pittsburgh Compound-B (PIB), is a thioflavin
derivative and appears to be relatively selective for β-amyloid plaques
at the concentrations used for imaging studies. As shown in Figure 2,
the binding of PIB to brain sections is highly correlated with total Aβ
levels. Test/retest variability in clinical studies is less than 10%
for most brain regions.30
longitudinal data have been accrued thus far for clinical PIB PET
studies. A number of these studies have started recently or will begin
in the near future. They will be crucial for determining sample size
requirements for demonstrating a statistically significant effect of a
given agent in clinical trials.
Newer imaging techniques
may be available in the future that could be more sensitive to change or
show qualitatively different effects of AD or effects of
investigational drugs. For instance, automated algorithms are being used
to deform MRIs into standard coordinates of a brain atlas, facilitating
comparisons of the change in gray matter or white matter volume on a
voxel-by-voxel basis.31–33
These differences offer promise in the differential diagnosis, early
detection, and tracking of AD and in the evaluation of putative disease
slowing treatments.
A strategy for using existing methods
to determine brain volumes could entail the use of serial MRI images
for several months prior to the initiation of an investigational drug.
Such an approach would compare rate of decline within a subject before
and after drug treatment, thus improving statistical power and reducing
sample size requirements to demonstrate a statistically significant
effect of a given agent.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
has been used to assess concentrations of N-acetyl asparate (NAA),
creatine, and choline in the brain; Alzheimer disease and MCI are
associated with reduced NAA concentrations.34,35
While the ability to make biochemical measurements in brain parenchyma
in vivo would be extremely valuable, these techniques currently suffer
from lack of technical standardization and lack of correlation with
clinical measures.
Pulsed arterial spin
labeled (ASL) perfusion MRI may provide a means to determine regional
cerebral blood flow without the use of radioactivity.36–38
Regional differences in blood flow may help to distinguish AD from
frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia. Continuous ASL techniques
are also being investigated and may benefit from higher magnet
strengths (ie, at least 4 Tesla).
biomarkers may be assessed in different matrices or compartments,
including CSF, blood, and urine. Many of the same considerations given
to imaging techniques also apply to these biochemical measures (eg, the
validity and accuracy of the analytical method and the variability among
multiple sites). More specific to biochemical measures are the need to
standardize sample-handling techniques and to standardize methods for
obtaining and storing CSF.
Lumbar punctures and CSF
analyses have been used routinely in the practice of neurology for
decades, although with the advent of other diagnostic modalities, this
procedure is now performed most frequently in research settings in the
United States. Nevertheless, two large studies of lumbar punctures
performed as part of an evaluation of possible AD biomarkers have shown
that the procedure can be applied broadly and that it is well tolerated.39,40
The only recorded complication was post-lumbar puncture headache. With
the use of a small diameter needle (0.7 mm), the rate of mild headache
(duration less than 1 day, not affecting daily life) was less than 4%,
and the rate of moderate or severe headache (duration more than 1one day
and/or affecting daily life) was less than 1%.
While the
initial pathogenic events in AD are not known with certainty,
biochemical markers of the disease can be considered as more proximal or
upstream, compared with more distal or downstream events. As shown in Figure 3, a number of potential biomarkers can be measured that may be proximal or distal in the pathogenic process.
biochemical biomarkers in AD. Question marks indicate processes or
anatomic areas that may be proximal in the disease process. Possible
biomarkers that can be considered given these postulated disease
processes include tau, phospho-tau, sulfatides, ...
potential biomarker must have certain characteristics to be useful in
multicenter trials. The assay must have excellent sensitivity and
test/retest reliability. Sample handling requirements must be such that
analyses have acceptable variability when samples are obtained at
multiple sites. The biomarker analyte should reflect a key feature of AD
pathology or a mechanism of disease. Finally, the pattern of change in
the biomarker over time and variability of that change should be
adequately described.
Aβ, and in particular Aβ1–42, has been studied frequently as a biomarker for AD. CSF concentrations of Aβ1–42 are reduced by 40% to 50%, whereas concentrations of Aβ1–40 or “Aβtotal” (using an ELISA that does not distinguish C-terminal length) are similar to those of age-matched controls. CSFAβ1–42
does correlate to an extent with dementia severity; however, in most
studies concentrations are stable over intervals as long as 12 months.41
Plasma concentrations of Aβ1–42 do not correlate with those in CSF.42 Longitudinal studies have not shown a consistent change in plasma Aβ over time in AD patients,43
and cross-sectional differences between AD patients and controls that
would allow plasma Aβ concentrations to be used as a diagnostic measure
have not been identified.
Cerebrospinal fluid tau has also been studied as a potential biomarker in AD.44
Elevations of 2- to 3-fold of CSF total tau (T-tau) levels in patients
with AD have been demonstrated in cross-sectional studies. In
longitudinal studies, weak correlations are present with changes in
cognitive scores, and CSF T-tau levels remain stably elevated in AD over
time intervals of 12 months or longer. Tau may be phosphorylated at
various sites, and forms of CSF tau reflecting specific sites of
phosphorylation (P-tau 181, 199, 231, 235, 396, and 404) have been
Three species of p-tau (p-thr231, p-ser199, and p-thr181) have been examined in detail in cross-sectional studies.45–49
All three species are elevated in the CSF of patients with AD, and
concentrations of all three species appear to be linearly related. When
assessed as diagnostic measures, these three measures have similar
sensitivity, although p-thr231 may have somewhat greater specificity for
AD versus other forms of dementia.45
Interestingly, p-thr231 tau, as well as other forms, is elevated in MCI
patients compared with control subjects, but longitudinal studies of AD
patients show a progressive decline in concentration with disease
There are several studies in which the diagnostic performance of the combination of CSF T-tau and Aβ1–42 has been evaluated.44 In most but not all studies,51
the sensitivity and specificity for the combination of these two
biomarkers have been slightly higher (89% and 90%, respectively) than
for T-tau (81% and 91%, respectively) or Aβ1–42 (86% and 89%,
respectively) alone. Other combinations of CSF biomarkers have also
resulted in slightly better diagnostic performance than the use of
single markers. In a study on the combination of CSF p-tau181 and Aβ1–42, the sensitivity was 86% at a specificity of 97%,52 and in another study the combination of CSF T-tau and p-tau396/404 resulted in a sensitivity of 96% at a specificity of 100%.53
Further studies examining the value of combinations of biomarkers in
larger series of patients and controls, and in particular in MCI, are
As with imaging measures, sample size calculations for clinical trials can be made using Aβ and tau measures. As shown in Table 4,
samples sizes using biochemical measures are similar to those achieved
with imaging and are smaller than sample sizes based on clinical
cognitive measures.
the pathologic hallmarks of the disease, which include amyloid plaques
and neurofibrillary tangles, AD pathology is characterized by evidence
of reactive-oxygen species (ROS)–mediated damage.54
ROS are formed under normal conditions, and although they are
chemically unstable and highly reactive, their levels are kept
relatively low by efficient antioxidant systems including catalase,
glutathione, uric acid, and vitamins E and C. However, in some
situations their generation can exceed the endogenous capacity to
destroy them. As a consequence, the oxidant versus the antioxidant
balance is altered and oxidative damage is the final result.55
Depending on the substrate attacked by ROS, oxidative damage will
manifest as protein oxidation, DNA oxidation, or lipid peroxidation
products, all of which have been described in AD brain (Fig. 4).
In general, oxidative damage in the central nervous system
predominantly manifests as lipid peroxidation because of its high
content of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are easily susceptible to
of reactive oxygen species–dependent attack of different substrates
(nucleic acid, protein, lipid) and relative most employed analytical
methods (GC/MS: gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; HPLC: high
performance liquid chromatography; ...
are members of a complex family of lipid oxidation products derived
from an ROS-mediated attack on free or esterified fatty acids. One group
of them, called F2-isoprostanes (F2-iPs) (Fig. 5), are present in detectable quantities in all normal biologic fluids and tissues. Assays for specific F2-iPs isomers using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry have identified 8,12-iso-iPF2α-VI (IPF2A) to be the most abundant F2-iP in human as well as in animals.57
IPF2A concentrations are elevated in brain, CSF, and plasma of AD patients compared with controls.58,59
In cross-sectional studies, concentrations of IPF2A in CSF correlate
directly with concentrations of total tau and inversely with Aβ1–42 levels.59
In patients with MCI, CSF concentrations of IPF2A are intermediate
between those of AD patients and those of control subjects;
interestingly, patients with MCI who progress to AD have higher
concentrations than those who do not.59
Recent investigations were conducted to determine whether the increase
in this marker of lipid peroxidation is present in neurodegenerative
diseases other than AD. For this reason, histopathologically confirmed
AD was compared with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) subjects, a
heterogeneous group of dementing disorders with neurodegeneration.
Levels of IPF2A were found to be markedly elevated in postmortem AD
brains compared with corresponding areas of FTD and control brain
tissues.60 This observation was also confirmed in CSF from living patients with clinical diagnosis of FTD.61
Longitudinal studies in MCI patients showed that CSF F2-iPs levels were elevated at both baseline (P < 0.001) and follow-up (P
< 0.01) compared with controls. This resulted in an overall
classification accuracy of 88%, both at baseline and follow-up.
Moreover, a significant longitudinal change was seen in the MCI patients
relative to controls. The longitudinal change yielded an overall
classification accuracy of 76%, and post hoc examination showed a
significant isoprostane increase restricted to the MCI group (de Leon M,
DeSanti S, Zinkowski R, et al. Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease
improve early diagnosis. Neurobiol Aging. 2005 [in press]).
including Alzheimer himself, have observed enlarged (more recently
referred to as activated) microglia and astrocytes in brain of Alzheimer
patients. A 1989 report provided the first evidence of a
neuropathogenic role for two of the principal cytokines derived from
activated microglia and astrocytes, viz., IL-1, a potent
pro-inflammatory cytokine, and S100B, a potent neurotogenic cytokine:
(1) overexpression was shown to be already dramatic in neonates,
children, and young adults with Down’s syndrome (a virtually certain
risk for precocious development of AD)62 and (2) a similar overexpression was demonstrated in end-stage AD.63–65 The neuro-pathogenic role of these two cytokines has been further supported by findings that both S100B66 and IL-167
regulate production of the β-amyloid precursor protein (βAPP) as well
as reports that the number of activated astrocytes and microglia
overexpressing these two cytokines are related to the progression of
β-amyloid plaques.68,69
Overexpression of these cytokines has been implicated in the
pathogenesis of AD by their demonstrated influences on the genesis and
formation of the two principal features in AD, neuritic β-amyloid
plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, as well as synaptic loss, and
neuronal dysfunction and loss.70–79
This strong evidence for cytokine involvement in such neurodegenerative
processes, underscores the importance of astrocyte-derived and
microglia-derived cytokines in the brain’s innate immune system and its
role pathogenesis. In addition to overexpression of IL-1 and S100B,
expression of IL-6,80 α1-ACT,81 and iNOS82
are increased in AD brain. Moreover, there is evidence that expression
of each is up-regulated by IL-1 and that expression of each is decreased
by suppression of IL-1.83–85
Findings such as these suggest that neuroinflammation, powered by
glia-derived cytokines, drives a self-sustaining, self-amplifying cycle
that leads to a vicious circle of inflammation and neuronal dysfunction
and death. The way in which neuronal insults are implicated in AD
neuropathogenesis is summarized in Figure 6.
changes implicated in Alzheimer disease (AD). This conceptual scheme of
the cytokine cycle illustrates the relationship of glial activation and
inflammatory cytokine overexpression to neurodegenerative events in AD,
with the effect of overexpression ...
important goal is to discover markers of conversion from a situation in
which the brain can cope with a given level of insults and when the
insults are sufficient to mildly impair brain function. Most of the
studies cited above used brain tissue, but the need for studies of more
accessible tissue has resulted in studies using CSF, some of which show
tantalizing, but inconclusive, changes in α1-ACT and IL-6.2
Inflammatory markers have also been measured in serum, and early
preliminary studies show that the relative levels of IL-1, IL-6, IL-8,
IL-10, IL-12 and may be different in serum from patients who converted
from control to MCI (Griffin et al, unpublished data). Measuring serum
cytokine levels may serve as peripheral biomarkers of innate brain
immune responses. At sufficient sensitivity, such biomarkers, although
not likely to be specific for AD or other neurodegenerative condition,
may be useful as peripheral indicators of progression of neural
pathologies typical of AD. One way in which they might prove most useful
is in testing the efficacy of therapeutic interventions. Not only the
sensitivity but also the specificity of these putative biomarkers will
need to be established in future trials.
panel (see Acknowledgments for participants) discussed a number of
points related to the use of biomarkers for patients with AD. Several
points of consensus were achieved, though a few points of disagreement
were identified. Finally, a number of unmet needs for AD biomarker
research were identified.
In the immediate future,
biomarkers for AD are more likely to be used in clinical trials than in
clinical practice. Use of CSF biomarkers as diagnostic measures in
clinical practice is unlikely in the United States at this time;
however, if a well-validated diagnostic marker and disease-modifying
treatments were available, patients may be referred from primary care
physicians to neurologists for diagnostic lumbar punctures. Diagnostic
biomarkers in clinical practice also are more important for patients
with earlier disease.
Imaging biomarkers may have greater
face validity and are more well developed, but more data are needed to
improve the understanding of both imaging and biochemical biomarkers and
their expected behavior after treatment with investigational drugs. Of
various volumes measured using vMRI, whole brain and ventricular volumes
appear most sensitive to change. Whether concentrations of Aβ1–42
in CSF should increase or decrease with chronic dosing of a γ- or
β-secretase inhibitor is unclear. The need for corrections in CSF
concentrations based on ventricular volume has not been adequately
assessed and more data are needed. More longitudinal studies with CSF
measures are needed.
Biomarkers are
likely to play an increasingly important role in the development of
investigational drugs for AD. Lumbar punctures to obtain biochemical
biomarkers can be performed safely, but may decrease recruitment rates
in clinical trials. The choice of biomarker(s) in a clinical trial may
depend on the mechanism of action of the investigational drug. There was
not a clear consensus that a biomarker could be used as a primary
outcome variable in a phase 2 clinical trial. Three potential uses for
biomarkers in drug development were outlined: (1) for selection of
homogeneous patient groups, (2) as an early indicator that an
investigational drug is reaching its target and is having the intended
effect, and (3) for indirect assessments of effects on disease
progression. The validation of a biomarker as a surrogate marker for
disease progression is likely to be iterative. Specifically, if a drug
is identified that clearly changes clinical disease progression and that
reduces or reverses an AD-specific biomarker, this would substantiate
the use of such a biomarker for future therapeutic agents.
are potentially very useful as tools in investigational drug trials of
clinically diagnosed AD patients. Such markers could be used as indirect
markers of disease severity, or might also be used as additional
inclusion or exclusion criteria. When used as an indirect marker of
disease severity, in almost all cases sample size estimates suggest that
effects of putative disease-modifying drugs could be determined with
fewer subjects using imaging or biochemical biomarkers than by using
cognitive measures. Additional longitudinal multisite studies of these
biomarkers, in particular FDG PET, amyloid-ligand PET, and CSF
biochemical markers, would aid greatly in their applications to clinical
trials. Such information will be obtained in a large observational
study of patients with AD and MCI and elderly controls that will begin
in mid-2005 (ADNI).
for AD progression trials panelists: Neil Buckholtz, PhD, Leon Thal,
MD, John Growden, MD, John Morris, MD, Martin Farlow, MD, David Knopman,
MD, Mony De Leon, EdD, and Howard Fillit, MD. The support of the
Alzheimer’s Association and its Research Roundtable for this meeting is
greatly appreciated. The assistance of Jay Lenn in the preparation of
the manuscript is also greatly appreciated.
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When employed in AD clinical trials, biomarkers can be utilized: (I) to improve the diagnostic accuracy in trial participants, enabling patient cohorts to be enriched with characteristic molecular mechanisms of AD; (II) for stratification of AD patients; (III) for safety monitoring, i.e. to assess and predict tolerability and adverse side effects; (IV) as theragnostic markers, i.e. to identify and monitor the biochemical effects of drugs
ReplyDeleteBiomarkers provide the potential for characterization and validation of drug mechanisms of action, monitoring AD course and progression, and evaluating therapeutic response/outcome. Furthermore, since biomarker profiles reflect different stages of the pathogenic process, they can be utilized to recruit optimal individuals for trials of different drugs and different clinical phenotypes at different stages of AD pathophysiology.